Famous Endermologie

Peninsula Endermologie in the media

Here’s a little sneak peek of the fabulous Mornington Peninsula Magazine, November 2017 edition!

Guess who’s on page 70?

Category: Media

Endermologie in the media

Peninsula Endermologie in the media

Have you received your copy of the latest Mornington Peninsula Magazine? The September issue is jam packed with interesting articles and updates on local people and businesses. You’ll see me mentioned on page 104 in the September Beauty Tips feature.

#morningtonpeninsulamag #mornpenmag#morningtonpeninsulamagazine #morningtonpeninsula @mornpenmag #mornpen #morningtonpeninsulaendermologie #Mteliza#mtelizaendermologie #peninsulaendermologie #endermologieexpert#summerlegs #getridofcellulite #CelluliteTreatment #cellulitebegone#bodycontouring #getridofstubbornfat #bodyshaping #smoothlegs#smoothskin #firming #antiageing #naturalbeauty


Category: Media

Peninsula Endermologie in the media