Famous Endermologie

Not that long ago when the world was ‘normal’ Emma @littlelondonwhispers started her day with an Endermologie treatment.

Mornings are always the best for such indulgment (Yes, I made that word up, because right now the world needs more beautiful words).

Why mornings? Firstly it sets the tone for the day.

Walking out of the clinic with smooth, healthy skin makes you feel awesome for the rest of the day.

Secondly, the mechanical massage action of Endermologie causes your fat cells to release fat (a process called lipolysis). Therefore, having the rest of the day to allow your muscles to use that fat as energy, (converting it to ATP), means that you’re actively participating in the slimming of your targeted area.

All while effortlessly carrying on about your day…Thirdly, the increased blood and lymphatic circulatory effects of Endermologie mean that you’ll feel lighter, with more energy and although you won’t necessarily notice it, your immunity will be boosted.

Then there’s the feeling of knowing you’ve started the day off right, by being good to your one, precious body. And isn’t that priceless?

There are more reasons. And if I ever have the opportunity to tell you face to face, you know I will. No apologies!

But for now, Emma and I will keep plugging away on the socials. And meet you here, in this safe space.

#Endermologie#EndermologieInTheMedia#Famous#EndermologieInTheNews #peninsulaendermologie #MtElizaEndermologie#MorningtonPeninsulaEndermologie#MorningtonPeninsulaWellnessCentre#EndermologieExpert#PeninsulaEndermologie#peninsulaendermologiecellulitesolutions#peninsulaendermologiewellnesscenter#MtEliza#MorningtonPeninsula#Melbourne

Category: Media

Another fan of the Endermologie facial.

Florriet @harpersbazaarus treated herself to an Endermologie massage in a fancy London spa just before the “Miley Cyrus” (cockney slang for coronavirus) hit.

Lucky girl. Though now she’s probably wishing she could get back there.

I know I would donate half my left pinky for a day by myself at a spa right now.

But in the meantime. I’ll be here, within my 5k boundary, wearing a mask on my daily (just one) hour long walk, eating all the veggies to boost my immunity, taking high-grade collagen and omega 3 supplements to counteract the stress and wine drinking. And remembering the curfew (which has zero significance in my life cause I rarely get out after 8pm anyway)!!

If you need the best quality collagen and omega3s for your skin, hop onto to place an order and I’ll deliver within 5ks, or post if your further away


Category: Media