What is Endermologie? And more frequently asked questions


Do you have some burning questions about Endermologie that you need answers to?

Then you've come to the right place. Niamh at Peninsula Endermologie has been a passionate advocate of Endermologie treatments for wellness, health, beauty, and sport since she first discovered the treatment in the late 1990s.

With her nursing background, followed by a stint in medical advertising, Niamh's ability to decipher clinical trial data and interpret the findings with a view to seeking out the best treatment protocols for her Clients, comes in very handy.

These Endermologie FAQs (frequently asked questions) will help you get straight to the answer to your questions about Endermologie. Each answer and claim about Endermologie is factually proven and can be supported with clinical data, so you won't find any false promises or misleading claims here.

If you have any more questions about Endermologie, then please book an appointment so we can discuss your questions in greater detail.



Endermologie FAQs

How you’ll feel after your Endermologie treatment – fabulous!

Feel good about your body

You may experience a slight tingling and redness and your skin will usually feel immediately softer.

As the treatment stimulates your lymphatic circulation, you may find you may need to visit the bathroom more regularly.

This indicates that your body is already ridding itself of excess fluid containing toxins and fat deposits.

We strongly encourage you to drink plenty of water to facilitate this elimination of toxins.

Many people report feeling more energetic after treatment, so scheduling exercise after your treatment is a great idea!

Using muscles to burn away the fat released after treatments and sweating out those toxins will help you achieve your results even faster.  Just bear in mind that your circulation will be boosted for at least 6 hours after treatment, so be aware of your pulse rate. You don’t need to work too hard, just a 20 minute power-walk or a 10 minute rebounding (trampolining) session will be enough to support your lymphatic drainage and toxin release.

Category: Endermologie FAQs