Endermologie massage works with your skin to gently relieve issues without a needle in sight!
The Aesthetics magazine recently (or perhaps not, what even is time anyway?) featured Endermologie in their stories.
They speak of 3 new facial techniques. I’ll let you into a little secret however… these techniques are not so new.
Oh sure, they’ve now got a few separate programs that makes it easier for a therapist to follow protocol, but as an old hand, I’ve been using these techniques for some time in any case.
And that’s what I adore about Endermologie. Once your understand anatomy and can identify an issue, you can adapt the treatment to treat almost anything!
Puffy eyes, I got you.
Double chin, I’ve got you.
Sagging jowls, I got ya.
Wrinkles, I’m coming at you too!!
The best thing is, it’s all natural. The massage works with your skin to gently relieve those issues without a needle in sight!
What’s not to love?
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