Improve lymphatic drainage.
The next power house ingredient in my Lymphatic Support Tea is Horse Chestnut.
Horse Chestnut contains a substance known as aescin which constricts blood vessels and stimulates the contraction of venous valves. This increases venous pressure which in turn stimulates lymphatic flow.
This regenerates connective tissue and boosts circulation to improve lymphatic drainage.
It also has antioxidant, analgesic and anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin.
Note, although there’s just a small dose in the tea, Horse Chestnut can sometimes cause side effects such as dizziness, headache, nausea, stomach upset, itching, and calf spasms, so if you’re concerned it might be worth starting with one cup of tea a day and then building up gradually to 2 to 3 cups. As always, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or taking other medications, please consult your a doctor before taking any herbal supplements.
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