One of the hardest working ingredients.
Everyone knows that Ginger root is awesome right?
As well as it’s warming flavour, it’s so full of goodness , it just had to make an appearance in my Lymphatic Support Tea.
#Ginger is well known for its calming effect on the digestive system, helping with bloating, nausea and motion sickness.
It’s anti-microbial, anti-parasitic, anti-inflammatory, reduces fever, anti-oxidative, reduces blood sugar and cholesterol, support the liver AND acts as a diuretic.
Pretty hard working right?
#LymphaticSupportTea #lymphaticSupport #Lymph #lightenLegs #RelieveBloating #DetoxTea #LymphaticSupport #tea #MakeYourselfACuppa #PeninsulaEndermologie #EndermologieLymphaticMassage #EndermologieExpert #MtEliza #MorningtonPeninsula #Melbourne @ Peninsula Endermologie