Detoxing and vitamin boost
I’ve been missing the goodness of my green smoothies in the mornings, but with this cold weather I’m just craving warmth. Starting the day with a cup of hot lemon water is just perfect. Add some fresh herbs, ginger and a little squeeze of honey for a lovely cleansing start to the day.
Lemon water will boost your immune system as it’s a great source of Vit C. It’s also an excellent source of potassium (which aids blood & lymphatic circulation, assists muscle recovery and supports your central nervous system) and is a great anti-inflammatory.
This means it helps to keep your body functioning well and your skin hydrated and healthy.
#lemonwater #chillymornings #liverdetox #immuneboost #aidsdigestion#potassium #vitc #LympathicDrainage #peninsulaendermologie#endermologie #lipomassage #mteliza #morningtonpeninsula #mornpen#melbourne