Food is the best medicine
OK, so Easter’s over and I finally feel like I want to start nourishing my body instead of feeding it rubbish!
Are you ready to join me back on the healthy food bandwagon?
Age-old knowledge has taught us that certain foods are good for us… e.g. honey is great for a sore throat due to it’s anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and the Vitamin C in lemons and other citrus fruits help to boost our immunity and fight colds. But the food we choose can go so far beyond that.
Thankfully, more and more research is being undertaken to demonstrate the benefits of certain foodstuffs. It’s my hope that one day Doctor’s will be able to prescribe a healthy diet to their patients (when appropriate) rather than relying on the use of pharmaceuticals.
I’ll be posting a few interesting (scientific) articles here to illustrate the effect some foods can have on health and ill-health.
Let’s grab some blueberries instead of a cookie for our afternoon snack this week eh?