Am I not allowed to not like my own cellulite?
I recently placed an ad on a local community Facebook page stating blithely that “Cellulite is so 2016”. Sure, it was pretty obviously tongue in cheek, but it elicited a response from a brave local who reacted with an angry face emoticon and a reply saying “cellulite is so reality”.
Whilst I applaud this person’s commitment to ‘keeping it real’, I have to admit, I do find it a little confronting that people are so quick to lash out and criticise without knowing the full story. I am fully aware that cellulite is real. As a ‘favourite’ pet-hate of mine, I’ve been studying it for years. I know why we get it, who’s most affected and that I should be totally cool about having it!
Unfortunately, I’m not. I’ve had cellulite since my twenties. It’s prevented me from wearing clothes I would otherwise have wanted to wear and I’ve even turned down invitations to events where I felt it might be revealed. In short, it’s been a real pain in the bum (and thighs). I tried eating correctly and exercise and dry skin brushing and detoxes (though in fairness, I probably didn’t do those very well), but nothing worked, in fact exercise seems to make mine look worse. So, when I discovered Endermologie, I figured “why not?” and the rest is history.
When I launched this little business of mine 6 months ago, as an ex-nurse I was really reluctant to focus on the ‘cosmetic’ benefits of this treatment. Hence my early promotion materials discussed ways to assist people living with lymphedema, improve connective tissue disorders like scar tissues and assist in sports recovery.
The truth however, is that 98% of my clients come to see because they too hate their cellulite and you know what? As a society we fall pretty short in making people feel ok about that. I for one am happy to offer a service that works (honestly, there are clinical trials to prove it), is non-invasive and allows women just a couple of hours out of their hectic lives each week to relax and improve their relationship with their body.
Sure cellulite is real, but so are bad boyfriends, terrible grammar and people with bad attitudes. There’s nothing in the rule book that says we have to put up with any of that either!