Expert tips on getting rid of cellulite naturally.
Ready for another tip to help you get the most out of your Endermologie treatments? No. 4 is:
Limit caffeine, alcohol and smoking.
Caffeine is known to increase our stress hormone (cortisol) and our sugar-regulating hormone (insulin) which can often lead to weight gain. It also limits circulation, meaning nutrients are not delivered as efficiently to the skin (to allow the skin to repair and maintain it’s ‘bounce’) and fluid builds up, causing water retention.
So it’s best to aim for no more than one or two cups of coffee a day if possible.
Alcohol also causes fluid retention and swelling, and, because it has a high sugar content, it also leads to weight gain.
Smoking restricts circulation and is known to disrupt the formation of collagen. This exacerbates the break-down of the septa (connective tissue) and makes cellulite appear much worse.