The Endermologie before & after photos seen immediately below are of patients receiving Endermologie in a clinical trial environment after a course of approximately 15-20 treatments.
You'll notice slimming, body contouring and an improvement in skin tone.
Some Clients will not be comfortable with having their before and after photographs taken, and I respect that decision. If you feel like you might be reluctant to take before and after Endermologie photos in the clinic, then I would urge you to take a number of before pictures at home. As the changes that occur with Endermologie are often gradual, some people will not be able to observe the full impact of the treatment until they've completed their course of Endermologie treatments and can look back and see the changes that have occurred.
It's truly one of the most satisfying moments when you see/hear a Client's reaction to seeing their Endermologie before and after photos. You can read many of them on the Testimonials page here.
Here at Peninsula Endermologie, we take photos of each Client before and after each course of treatment (with their consent). Scroll down to see a small selection.
You can find more of Peninsula Endermologie's before and after photos on Instagram and Facebook.

The following photographs are the property of Peninsula Endermologie and may not be re-posted or re-distributed without our approval. These photographs were taken with our Client's consent and show results within 15 - 20 treatments.
Note, these photos are not retouched apart from the addition of the logo watermark and a re-balancing of lighting/ colour that we do to the best of our ability without altering the image.
As Clients attend appointments at different times of the day, from early morning to the late evening, the lighting is unfortunately variable. We do our best to ensure consistency in placement, so the photos are correctly aligned, however, the lighting is a tricky problem to solve!
If you'd like to see how Endermologie can help you achieve your body goals, your therapist will explain what's possible during your 90-minute Consultation and Discovery treatment