
Improve vitality, reduce stress and have better sleep with Endermologie

Why the Vitality - Stress - Sleep  Endermologie Protocol is so vital

Health & wellness are more complicated than just having "a good diet and exercise". True wellness is linked to a sense of physical, mental and social well-being.

There are many factors which can disrupt wellness, including:

  • Environment - e.g. pollution, climate, UV, etc.
  • Hormones - e.g. endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, menopause etc.
  • Psychological factors - e.g. stress, relationship issues, lack of sleep, etc.

We live in a world were pressure is everywhere. It’s professional, financial, social and emotional.  And it is scientifically proven that stress, anxiety and insomnia affect our immune system and make us more vulnerable to illness.

+90% of people consider themselves stressed*

66% of adults say that they have trouble sleeping**

*Inserm study     **Philips Global Sleep survey. 

The Endermologie Solution

For over 37 years, Endermologie® treatments have influenced beauty and therapeutic wellbeing.

Now, LPG® experts have developed an innovative Vitality – Stress – Sleep Endermologie® treatment protocol*** that has a positive impact on physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

The effectiveness of this protocol has been validated by a new scientific study**** conducted by the beScored Institute in collaboration with the Institut du Sommeil (Sleep Institute), with significant results on STRESS, SLEEP and VITALITY obtained from the 1st session. 


Effect on cognitive performance, sleep quality,stress and immunity levels in stressed individuals. Pr. Christophe Hausswirth, PhD1,2,3, Dr. Alexandre Coste, PhD1, Dr. Vincent Raimondi, MD, PhD4, Dr. Cyril Schmit, PhD1, Dr. Anis Aloulou, PhD5, Dr. François Duforez, MD5, Nathalie Paradis6 & Pr. Damien Léger, MD, PhD7

Book here to experience the Vitality - Stress - Sleep protocol

Reduce your stress hormone, cortisol
Reduce muscular pain with Endermologie
Improve vitality with Endermologie
Reduce stress with Endermologie
Improve sleep with Endermologie
1 T lymphocytes boost natural defences. 
2 The results of precision cognitive tests are improved, indicating better concentration and vitality. 
3 HRV is recognised as one of the best indicators of physical fitness and our body’s ability to adapt to its environment. An increase in HRV reflects a better balance in the nervous system and a reduction in stress. 
4 Stress level went from a high borderline level to a mild level. PSS Index (Perceived Stress Scale Cohen et al. 1983). HADS Index (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale Zigmond & Snaith, 1983). 
5 Muscle and joint pain can be an indicator of stress. Reducing muscular pain allows for better recovery. 
6 There was a reduction in insomnia-related problems: the level went from moderate (19.86) to no insomnia. ISI (Insomnia Severity Index). 

This study shows that the Vitality, Stress, Sleep (VSS) endermologie® protocol significantly reduces stress, improves vitality and natural defences, reduces sleep disorders and improves overall mood.