Inflammation = fluid waste. It’s what the lymphatic system is designed to reduce.
Inflammation = fluid waste. It’s what the lymphatic system is designed to reduce.
Bloated tummy? Heavy legs? Stiff joints? Taught, uncomfortable skin? All of these are signs of inflammation and an overburdened, underperforming lymphatic system.
Endermologie helps. Over 145 clinical trials agree.
Thanks again to @stopchasingpain for the content:.“Inflammation isn’t bad. Not being able to get reduce or get rid of inflammation is badSince we know that systemic inflammation (silent inflammation) is linked to chronic pain and disease, the next logical step is to learn how the systems influencing inflammation (lymphatic for one) works and how to take care of it.
That’s what we do. That’s our thing. It saved my life and now I teach you Remember, the lymphatic system is a major part of your immune system and your cardiovascular system. No system in the body ever works alone. Never gets injured alone. Never heals alone. Think bigger. Think better.
Think systems Question for you? You’ve been suffering for months and years how many people have ever mentioned the lymphatic system to you? Bet I know the answer. Nobody did for me either This is where most people assume if it was that important somebody would’ve told them about it already. Wrong! Super Duper Uber wrongFundamentals and basics are almost always the ones that are neglected #lymphaticsystem#lymphnodes#lymphaticmassage#lymphaticdrainage#lymphaticmojo#loveyourlymph#bodyaquarium #stopchasingpain#chronicpain Effective things don’t have to be complicated