Endermologie - for your wellbeing


Natural, non-invasive Endermologie treatments offer unique, patented technologies for mobilising tissue that cannot be reproduced by human hands or other machines. LPG machines have been approved by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) and TGA (Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration) for multiple uses.

LPG is recognised as market leaders of connective tissue research and the Endermologie machines are designed by medical professionals to be used in medical settings such as hospitals (mostly found in burns units), physiotherapists offices and rehab clinics.

“EndermoTherapie” is the trademark name used to describe the wellness applications for LPG Endermologie treatments.  At Peninsula Endermologie, Niamh is trained in the use of the latest LPG tech – a medical-grade device called the ALLIANCE.

Although, Niamh doesn’t like to brag, with her nursing background, she is perfectly placed to deliver EndermoTherapie treatments safely and competently. And is privileged to be among only a handful of Clinics in Victoria that does so with the latest start-of-the-art devices.


Endermologie’s ultra-sophisticated massage technique has a multitude of possible settings. The ALLIANCE has been designed to mechanically reproduce different modes of manual massage: palpate-roll maneuver and the Jacquet pinch. According to one LPG study report, a significant decrease in heart rate was observed after 12 Endermologie sessions.

  • Stimulating the lymphatic circulation means less inflammation, supported elimination organs (for detoxing) and improved immunity.
  • Improving local blood circulation in all treatment areas leads to improved  venous return and healthier skin.
  • The massage technique has been shown to counteract fatigue and calm the nervous system, allowing for better sleep.


In sport, Endermologie helps to prepare muscles and connective tissues/fascia for intensive training with protocols for warm-up and cool-down.

  • It’s proven effective in the treatment of muscular pain and spasms and offers almost instant relief from the dreaded delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). It’s used by everyone from professional footballers and golfers to weekend warriors.
  • Endermologie vastly improves soft tissue flexibility by gently, but effectively, breaking down adhesions and fibrosis and stimulating the circulation for improved healing.
  • This revolutionary treatment optimises an athlete’s performance and recovery, providing a fast, positive response.
  • Regular treatments mean a quicker recovery after workouts, for improved endurance, power and flexibility. Targeted Endermologie treatments are effective for many sports-related complaints and injuries, including the following:
    • Tendon and ligament damage
    • Muscle pain and spasms
    • Joint stiffness
    • Pulled, strained or stiff muscles
    • Muscle or tissue trauma


  • Endermologie is registered for the treatment of scars and burn injuries. Evolving as a more effective and less painful alternative than manual massage for old and new scars. LPG Mechano-Stimulation with the ALLIANCE machine has various treatment heads and settings, that can be customised so that it is gentle enough to effectively treat delicate scars without discomfort.
  • Endermologie is an effective treatment for secondary lymphedema , a condition caused by a blockage or removal of lymph nodes post-mastectomy which causes infllammation in the affected limb. The swelling accompanied by pain or discomfort – can also be relieved with regular endermologie treatments.
  • Endermologie for wellness also supports people to manage the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, such as muscle pain and fatigue.
  • Scleroderma is a chronic connective tissue disease can also be treated with Endermologie to relieve symptoms of hardened skin and connective tissues.


Endermologie for wellness
Endermologie relax

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