Nutrition makes such a difference
I’ve been writing a lot about hormones recently and it’s a discussion that I have with at least once a day with my Clients.
As women, managing that balance between our hormones is an ongoing, tricky affair. I’ve spent countless hours researching the optimum lifestyle to allow our bodies to flourish in mind, body and spirit, though I am still confused about what the optimum diet should be.
After a 3 week fruit and veggie detox recently I felt great, but feel like it’s not something I could sustain (and I’m still a little unconvinced it’s enough nourishment). Paleo works very well for me, but it’s time consuming and the kids aren’t as easy to convince of its benefits. So right now, I’m back into “everything in moderation mode”, until it’s time to try something new.
Here’s what Mark Sisson recommends for menopausal women an I reckon the advice stands for women at any stage in life. If you don’t have time to read the full article, here’s what he suggests in a nutshell:
– Avoid Refined Carbohydrates
– Limit Carbs To Only What You Use
– (Whole) Soy Isn’t a Bad Idea
– Drink Green Tea
– Eat Leafy Greens
– Eat Adequate Protein
– Eat Fish